MATISSE (Multi-AperTure mid-Infrared SpectroScopic Experiment) is the mid-infrared instrument of the VLTI. It will produce the sharpest images of planet-forming regions in infant stellar systems, central regions of active galaxies, and close environment of massive stars.
MATISSE consists in an interferometer, combining four of the VLT telescopes, together with a spectrometer, working between 3 and 13 microns. It will produce images at an unprecedented resolution of a few thousandth of an arc-second.
The instrument was built by a consortium of 52 people across 6 countries (France, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Poland). It is currently being installed in Paranal, Chile, and is expected to be open to the scientific community in 2019.
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The MATISSE electronics cabinets have been installed in the room next to the focal laboratory on December 7th.
You will find here a small animation showing the process of putting them in place with the crane.
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Due to too high wind conditions the two electronics cabinets of MATISSE are waiting on their truck :
The team at Paranal is waiting for more quiet conditions to unload the cabinets from the truck and use the grove to pass the equipment through the hatch of the VLT plateform :
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The installation of the two electronics cabinets waiting of the VLT plateform for better wind conditions.
The transport of this week-end was planning for the installation of the two electronics cabinets, L&M and N bands, and the installation of the Helium cryo-compressor. The cryo-compressor
hs been brought down to the VLTI lab from the VLT plateform through the lift. The two electronics cabinet are still waiting on their truck, on the VLT plateform, for better wind conditions allowing the opening of the hatch and the use of the grove.
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The MATISSE detector team is installing the instrument detectors, i.e. the ones that will record infrared light for the instrument.
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Transport of the Warm Optics table from the basecamp of Paranal to its submit.
This transport made the 17th of Novembre has conduced the Warm Optics table to its definitive location, which is the VLTI focal laboratory. The final part of the video shows the descent of the table through the hatch.